PADI Divemaster

PADI Divemasters Wanted! Take your first step toward becoming a PADI professional




DivemasterDo you have a deep and abiding passion for scuba diving? Or, do you merely love it with all of your heart? If so, you should consider doing what you love for a living: become a PADI Divemaster.

You can share your excitement and passion for the underwater world with new divers, lead divers on amazing adventures in far-flung destinations or work in your local dive centre helping with the courses and training. Divers look up to you because you have worked hard to get to this point.

What to expect

The Divemaster course is the first step on the PADI professional ladder, it’s the first stepping stone to perhaps having a career in diving. You will start to learn about anticipating divers needs, be they new divers just coming into the sport, or seasoned divers that might just need a helping hand.

By becoming a PADI Divemaster, you align yourself with the largest and most respected dive group in the world—that of PADI Professionals. These are PADI Divemasters and Instructors sharing a passion for diving and an active concern for the health of the world’s underwater habitats.

The Divemaster course requires commitment, in both time and attention.
There are minimum levels you need to attain in the Divemaster course, and minimum amounts of participation, at Ocean View, we prefer to take you beyond those minimums. Below there are some pre-requisites for the course, some of which are PADI requirements, some of which are ours.


/ varied course length (does not include crewpak or PADI fees)


PREREQUISITES: 18 years old; PADI Rescue Diver. You should have an Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care course completion within the past 24 months. Be fit for diving and submit an HSE Medical Statement signed by an HSE approved physician within the last 12 months, at the start of the course.


To start your Divemaster course with us.

You will have at least 60 logged dives to begin the course, hold a PADI Drysuit Diver qualification, PADI Deep Diver Specialty qualification and a PADI Search and Recovery Specialty, or sign up to these courses as part of your Divemaster training.

Own your own dive kit, we will supply tanks and weights.

COURSE CONTENTS: Divemaster Crew-pack; Home study; Knowledge development; Theory sessions; Practical Hands on training; Skill circuits; Open Water course participation; Exams

REQUIRED READING TEXTS: Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving




PADI Pro Courses downloadSee what you can do as you develop along the PADI career path



Learn more about the PADI professional options.