First Aid – Build confidence to care

Build your confidence and learn the skills you need to step up if an emergency situation were to ever happen



EFREmergency First Response Course – First aid and CPR are good skills for anyone to learn, especially those involved in adventure sports – just in case. Learning these serious skills as a family can be fun, but could prove very important.

There are many reasons why learning first aid skills are important for you and your family, some of these are: First Aid can certainly help to save someones life, but providing appropriate basic first aid can reduce their recovery time. The correct first aid, and a calm demeanour can reduce a patients discomfort. You can help to prevent the situation from getting worse. Learning First aid skills gives you the confidence to step in to help someone.


The Emergency First Response course meets the necessary First Aid training required as part of the PADI Rescue Diver course.

If a member of your family was taken ill, or a fellow diver had an emergency, you will be able to step up and help them, knowing you can help those you care about is a reassuring feeling. PADI Instructors are also Emergency First Response Instructors!



Emergency First Response classDuring the course you will learn:

  • Primary Care (CPR)
  • Secondary Care (First Aid)
  • Emergency management and equipment
  • Recognising and assessing illness and injuries
  • Incident management





£140 / 1 day course


PREREQUISITES: None for the Emergency First Response Course

COURSE CONTENTS: Home study; Knowledge development; Practical classroom session; Exam



Take a look at the schedule to find out when our next First Aid Course is running.


EFR_logoEmergency First Response is a PADI affiliate that specializes in teaching these lifesaving skills – and they’re for anyone, not just divers.



To find out more about our courses, or to book your course give us a call or email us