Dive Club Newsletter
Welcome to the Dive Club Newsletter February 2020. Have a read of what’s going on.
On Thursday 6th February during a regular meeting with Emma Samuelsson, our PADI Regional Manager, we were surprised with an award from PADI. It was the wonderful glass plaque that you can see in the picture above, in recognition of the Exceptional Growth in PADI Dive Certifications for 2019! A huge THANK YOU from us at Ocean View for this fantastic achievement.
Red Sea Liveaboard – August 2020 £1775
Only 3 spaces left
Friday 21st – Friday 28th August 2020
Cost: £1775 per person all inclusive
This fantastic itinerary takes in the stunning areas of the Southern Red Sea, including St. Johns, Fury Shoals, and…. if conditions allow we may be able to sail to the southernmost islands of Rocky and Zabargad.
With approximately 21 dives over the week. 12lt tank and weights are included in your package. Flights from Gatwick and transfers are included. Visas are also INCLUDED within this price as is the use of a day room at a hotel after the trip (1 room per three people) and Nitrox is free to those who are certified
Socorro – March 2023 FROM £3600
2nd – 11th March 2023
Cost: FROM £3600 per person
The Socorro Islands (Archipiélago de Revillagigedo) are 4 remote little dots in the vast Pacific Ocean, San Benedicto, Socorro, Roca Partida and Clarión. They are the tips of volcanoes that form part of a submerged mountain range providing a home to some of the oceans large pelagics, Mantas, Whales, Sharks and Dolphins. Diving here will blow your mind.
After an overnight voyage we arrive at these Jurassic Park-like islands and with a little luck from mother ocean will experience interactions with our giant mantas unlike anywhere else. The mantas of the Socorro Islands love divers, they love to swim with divers, love to feel our bubbles hitting their bellies and then they quiver with excitement. Socorro is also home to humpback whales, dolphins and up to 10 types of sharks.
Indonesia – May 2021
Monado, Bunaken, Lembeh
May 2021 – Dates to be confirmed Cost: TBC
This promises to be the photographers dream trip, more details to come…
Swanage Diving Weekend – Saturday 23rd – Sunday 24th May
1 Boat Dive each day, 1 pier dive each day
or JUST dive the Pier
Boat fees: £56 per person for both boat dives – 4 boat spaces left!!With the iconic pier dive as a must, and plenty of wreck or shore dives to do, the area around Swanage is fantastic for both new and seasoned divers. We would be driving down on the Saturday morning with diving on both Saturday and Sunday, sadly coming back home on the Sunday evening. Click on the image to find out more.

DIVE CLUB QUIZ NIGHT Friday 28th February 2020
Join us for the first Quiz Night of the year, get the grey matter working and lets raise some money for the Lifeboats. If you have a team together, drop us an email to let us know who is in it, and your team name, or if you want to be put into a team.
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course
Sunday 22nd March or Sunday 12th April
We can conduct the shallow dives for your Advanced course this weekend, Navigation, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Search and Recovery, Drysuit etc.
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April
We can conduct the Deep and Wreck dives for your Advanced course this weekend.
PADI Deep Diver Specialty Course
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April
After your first few scuba dives, you soon want to explore a bit deeper. There’s something exciting and mysterious about the depth that attracts divers. Discover historical wrecks, experience the thrill of drifting past a beautiful reef wall, and explore deeper dive sites. Dive with confidence at depths to 40m, by taking the PADI Deep Diver Specialty course. Learn to assess reasons for going deep, the dive objective should be clear.
PADI Wreck Diver Specialty Course
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April
Diving on a piece of history is a lure to many divers. Wrecks provide a challenge, a mystery, and are usually teeming with aquatic life. Whether sunk on purpose as an artificial reef or the result of mishap, wrecks open fascinating windows to the past. The PADI Wreck Diver course teaches you the ins and outs of rewarding, responsible wreck diving.
PADI Equipment Specialty Course
Sunday 31st May
As a PADI Equipment Specialist, you are prepared for the basic scuba equipment maintenance, care and adjustments you’ll encounter. In addition, you’ll learn interesting background information about how your gear works, how it’s repaired and other information that helps you with your equipment investment.
PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty Course
Sunday 14th June
It can be quite stressful in poor visibility underwater, improve your observation skills and learn more accurately how to use your compass underwater to find your way.
You will develop the techniques involved in navigating underwater within recreational limits while avoiding disturbing delicate marine life.
PADI Self-Reliant Diver Specialty Course
Sunday 21st June and Sunday 5th July
The purpose of the Self-Reliant Diver specialty course is to recognize and accept the role of the buddy system and its contributions to diver safety while identifying and developing self-reliance and independence while diving.
We have several BCDs on offer in the shop right now
Why not treat yourself to a new BCD, see if one of these takes your fancy:
Cressi Aqua Ride (XS) Was £379 NOW £279
Aqualung Soul (MD) Was £390 NOW £295
Sherwood Silhouette (M) Was £249 NOW £199
Sherwood Zodiac (M) Was £299 NOW £199
Avid CQR (M) Was £399 NOW £199
Dive Club Newsletter February 2020